Top Content Marketing Strategies to Generate Organic Leads
The year 2018 saw a double-digit growth in terms of digital ad spends. The trend continues to be on incline this year too. As the digital universe gets highly saturated, staying ahead of the game is one of the biggest challenges for brands and businesses.
Smart marketers often rely on the old adage, “Content is King.” This is because great content leads to a highly engaged audience, which in turn, generates leads for your businesses. All businesses, especially small businesses, rely on organic leads rather than paid leads since they require a zero budget for marketing and promise a more likely-to-convert audience.
What are Organic Leads
The traffic directed to your website via a category or product-related search on an engine is referred to as an organic lead. In order to increase organic leads, you should implement a content marketing strategy with great discipline.
Here are some content marketing strategies you can deploy to improve your organic leads.
Conduct In-depth Keyword Research
Knowing what a potential customer will look for on a search engine will directly translate into them move entering your marketing and sales funnel via your website. Thus, targeting the right keywords and creating content based on the same is vital to generating organic leads.
In this context, focus on long-tail keywords rather than short keywords. These can usually generate more traffic as they are more precise and less competitive. You can identify and discover focus keywords by using tools such as SEM Rush, Google Keyword Planner etc. -
Use Unique Headlines
Simply put, headlines can transform your content’s appeal. A powerful headline can instantly capture the user’s attention, causing them to click on your web link and consume the content. But your headline should be more than just a click-bait tool – it should be relevant to the actual content.
Blogging is often referred to as a key pillar of an effective content marketing strategy. According to a LinkedIn marketing study, blogging is the most used digital marketing tactic – as it gives every reader an interactive experience. Since the format allows readers to share their feedback and personal views too, it makes for a highly-engaged experience and can help identify high-intent customers.
Understand Your Audience
Before creating any piece of content, it is critical to create consumer personas. This is because keywords will only get you so far; your organic ranking will certainly be impacted if you craft quality content that resonates with your target prospects.
Post More Consistently
The more frequently you post, the higher your chances of increasing traffic to your website. According to sources, your blog traffic can go up by as much as 18.6% when you post high-quality content 6x per week.
Include Guest Blogging
You can generate many leads by guest blogging for other platforms and requesting link backs to your website. Similarly, inviting posts from guest influencers can bring new traffic to your website from their followers.
Cross-promote Ancillary Businesses
You can partner with a brand or business that doesn’t offer the same services as you, but shares the same set of potential clients. You can leverage them as a trusted content marketing partner and so can they to multiply your audience base immediately. For instance, an SEO agency and a web designing firm can be of great help each other in terms of content marketing.
Host Webinars
Organic leads can be effectively generated through webinars. An average webinar is a 30 to 45 minutes long question-answer session where you put up a topic and take questions from the audience. This is essential for building strong relationships with your consumers. An effective webinar should be highly relevant to your audience.
Publish Videos
Video marketing is another attractive way to generate organic leads. Creating high-value videos and uploading them on social platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram etc. can double your followers.
A great video has the ability to reach larger audiences only if you have a clear understanding about your audience’ preference.
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