Social Media – An alternate communication channel
When it comes to social media for brands or companies, most people think of a Facebook page with pictures, contests, and customer interactions. Our current use of social media still leaves a lot more to explore and benefit from. A lot of companies are oblivious to the fact that social media can be optimized to make business processes like recruitment, PR, retailing, supply chain management, etc. much more effective and efficient. This presentation on ‘Social Media – An alternate media for communication’, begins with some numbers that set the context in terms of how ‘social’ our world has become; and goes on to explain, through a series of interesting case studies, how some companies and individuals have successfully taken social media beyond just branding and customer interactions. This presentation explains; not just why social media is an integral part of the digital marketing strategy, but also how companies can use it as an alternate communication channel for various business processes.
Do you use social media for business activities other than marketing? Has it proven to be more cost-effective? Does your digital marketing agency suggest innovative ways of getting more from your investment in social media? It would be great to hear about things that you have tried to do and if they worked.

Marketer, Maven, Mentor. 3 Ms that define Siddharth Hegde, a.k.a. Sidd, Managing Director of the effervescent and ebullient Digital Marketing Agency, Ethinos. He tucks in over 18 years of sales & marketing experience under his belt, gathered from Fortune 500 and other inspiring companies that he has worked with. Sidd is a technology zealot since almost two decades, keenly tracking the interplay between technology, design, and usability across products and services. He brings to the table an industry understanding & background in digital strategy formulation & implementation. In his free time, he enjoys sailing, scuba diving, white water rafting, trekking, and seeking out the outdoors.
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