So it has been a year; and what a year it has been for online India!

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

If numbers tell a story, then the story of online India seems to be a really exciting one!

Be it internet connections, smartphone users, tablet users, or social media; the numbers have shown a consistently increasing trend over the past one year.

You can check our previous presentations, Snapshot of Digital India (January 2012), Snapshot of Digital India (May 2012), and Snapshot of Digital India (August 2012) to get a comparative idea of the surge in online India’s numbers!

Towards the end of 2012, here’s our last compilation of the year; Snapshot of Digital India (November 2012)

To give you a sneak peek of what’s in store; this presentation includes the growth in terms of number of connections for telephones, mobiles phones, internet connections, etc.

Digital India

It then moves on to give you the latest facts and figures about smarthphone and tablet usage; followed by statistics on growth of social media in India as well as a country-wise comparison of social media users.

We have also included a section on mobile commerce, an industry predicted to be valued at 20 million rupees by 2015; as well as social commerce, the phenomenon of buying products on social media. This is a trend that has not yet picked up in India, but is predicted to globally earn revenues of $30 billion/year by 2015.

No one knows what the future holds, but if past experience is anything to go by, India will continue to make waves online!

Do take a look at the presentation and share your thoughts!

Let’s discuss and debate the future possibilities!

Siddharth Hegde

Marketer, Maven, Mentor. 3 Ms that define Siddharth Hegde, a.k.a. Sidd, Managing Director of the effervescent and ebullient Digital Marketing Agency, Ethinos. He tucks in over 18 years of sales & marketing experience under his belt, gathered from Fortune 500 and other inspiring companies that he has worked with. Sidd is a technology zealot since almost two decades, keenly tracking the interplay between technology, design, and usability across products and services. He brings to the table an industry understanding & background in digital strategy formulation & implementation. In his free time, he enjoys sailing, scuba diving, white water rafting, trekking, and seeking out the outdoors.

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