Snapshot of Digital India – May 2013
Digital media is coming of age in India; and it is now important for businesses to build awareness about their brands in both, the traditional as well as the digital marketplace. A number of brands are looking at integrating an effective digital marketing strategy into their marketing plan, and building well managed, credible presences on social networks Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc.
Our latest collection of facts and figures on digital marketing in India, ‘Snapshot of Digital India – May 2013; provides a glimpse into India’s latest digital trends. It is a compilation of updated statistics and relevant information that reveal the tremendous change and evolution that digital marketing has undergone in the past one year. This rapid change has become evident with the upsurge in the number of businesses hiring a social media agency; and new trends in the adoption of social networking and digital marketing.
With the latest data on digital connectivity, smartphone usage, tablet usage, social media, social media commerce, etc. this presentation aims to bring you the latest information on online India and its growth.
We have also touched upon the subject of the Indian Premier League, an event that has seen big brands like Pepsi, Vodafone and Muthoot collaborate with team players and fans, online, to generate tremendous engagement on social media platforms.
Social media security, applications that have seen more users than those of Facebook and Twitter put together, country-wise comparisons of social media, are some other insights included in the presentation.
You can even check our previous compilations of January 2012, May 2012, August 2012, November 2012, and February 2013; as well as other informative presentations on
Look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!

Marketer, Maven, Mentor. 3 Ms that define Siddharth Hegde, a.k.a. Sidd, Managing Director of the effervescent and ebullient Digital Marketing Agency, Ethinos. He tucks in over 18 years of sales & marketing experience under his belt, gathered from Fortune 500 and other inspiring companies that he has worked with. Sidd is a technology zealot since almost two decades, keenly tracking the interplay between technology, design, and usability across products and services. He brings to the table an industry understanding & background in digital strategy formulation & implementation. In his free time, he enjoys sailing, scuba diving, white water rafting, trekking, and seeking out the outdoors.
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