How to set up Google Analytics tracking for your Website
Google Analytics, provided by Google, is a free tool that one can use to track information about how visitors reach and interact with your website. Futhermore, Google Analytics also provides information about the demographics and behavior of these visitors.
How to setup a Google Analytics Code
To set up Google Analytics tracking code, you will need an Analytics tracking ID or the entire javascript tracking code snippet generated by Google Analytics. This corresponds to your Analytics property. So how do you find the tracking ID and code snippet? Follow these simple steps:
- Sign into your Analytics account
To sign into your Google Analytics account you need a valid Gmail Account. Using the same credentials as the Gmail account you can login the Google Analytics account.
Thanks to “One account. All of Google.” By Google.
- Select the Admin tab
- Select an account from the drop-down menu in the ACCOUNT column
On clicking the Create New Account Option, you will get a form as belowFill in the following details,
Account Name: The name you wish to put in your account (Test)
Website Name: The name of your website (Test)
URL: URL to the homepage of your website (www.testtejas.com)
Industry Category: Category of your business (Arts and Entertainment)
Reporting Time Zone: Choose this based on your residing country (India)On clicking the Get Tracking ID, you will get a Tracking ID and Tracking code.
- Embedding the Tracking Code
- Static website A static website is one in which the page HTML is NOT generated using a programming language or interface such Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. To collect data, you must copy and paste the Analytics tracking code into the source code on every web page you wish to track.1. Once you have the javascript tracking code snippet for your property, copy the snippet exactly without editing it.
2. Paste your tracking code snippet (unaltered, in its entirety) before the closing </head> tag on every web page on your site you wish to track. - Dynamic websiteEmbedding the Tracking Code A dynamic website is one in which the HTML is generated using a programming language such as Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. To collect data, you must include the Analytics tracking code in the source code on every web page you wish to track. You can use a common include or template to push the tracking code dynamically into every page.1. Once you have the javascript tracking code snippet for your property, copy the snippet exactly without editing it.
2. Paste your tracking code snippet into its own includes file, then include it in your page header, so that the snippet appears before the closing </head> tag on every web page on your site you wish to track.
It may take 24 hours for Google Analytics to begin tracking your website data. With Google Analytics, the data provided will be useful to tweak your digital marketing strategy, some metrics being – increasing website traffic and improving conversion rates. Make the most of Google Analytics data and improve your online presence.
We hope our blog is useful to you. Curiosity killed the cat, but we are humans. If you want to discuss this further, drop a comment below. For business related queries, mail us at info@ethinos.com .
- Static website A static website is one in which the page HTML is NOT generated using a programming language or interface such Python, Ruby, PHP, etc. To collect data, you must copy and paste the Analytics tracking code into the source code on every web page you wish to track.1. Once you have the javascript tracking code snippet for your property, copy the snippet exactly without editing it.
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