How to Create Viral Content Without Selling Your Soul
With so many businesses, organizations and websites to compete with, going viral may seem like an impossible feat, reserved only for the leading authoritative websites.The study found that 46% of websites have an issue related to viral content creation. this article, let’s assume you’ve got all ideas ready to create your own viral content to compete with the Internet leaders. But how can you turn these ideas into the next big online sensation? Below, we’ll show you how.
Articles for Your Readers
Surprisingly, the best type of content to go viral is an article. According to Social Media Examiner, the written content is more preferred over visual content. Videos may seem like the best; there’s no denying that they’re effective. However, articles, by nature, can reach more people and are better for all users. For example, people read articles while they’re at work, while they’re commuting and while they’re sitting at home. By writing articles, you’re allowing your content to be read by everybody at any time of the day, increasing your chances of going viral. Also, here is a good news. Written content is cheaper than visuals. So the main aim is to put all the effort on the writing part.
But How Do I Create Viral Articles?
Now you know your desired format, you can now set about turning your ideas into clickable articles. The most popular article format is a listicle article as readers find it 10 times easier to process and remember. But don’t make the article full of the list. Listicles are good to use to attract attention to the most important points of the article. As you would expect, this is a list of things, sometimes in order, sometimes not, that describes an array of ‘things’. For example, you could have ‘5 Best Holiday Destinations’ or ‘Best Headphones for Running’. Although you may see these articles everywhere, they’re your best chance of going viral. Also, there is one important moment in headline creation. According to the study by Content Marketing Institute, the headline which includes a hyphen or colon increase clicking on it by 9%. For example, “Set yourself up for success: The powerful habits of a successful leader.” But another study found that the headline should exceed the length of 62 characters.
Be Visual
Whatever subject your listicle article is talking about, always ensure your article is visual. Images connect with your reader and help to create an image in your reader’s head, perfect for engaging their minds with your content. According to the recent study, readers tend to remember only 10% of the information but 65% of information is retained if the image is paired with the article. It’s highly recommended that you create your own visuals if possible and always stay aware from free stock images. Alternatively, paid stock imagery, from websites such as Shutterstock, are just as effective. But always remember about image license.
Be Precise
Nobody wants to read an article that’s riddled with mistakes and errors. It decreases readability and seriously harms the credibility of your brand. According to recent statistics, 42,5% of readers hate poor spelling and grammar and flagged up it as a reason to turn-off. Once a reader has read one of your articles and has realized it has a load of mistakes, you can be sure that they won’t click on your content again. Always check your grammar to ensure it’s perfect before uploading to the Internet. If you’re not confident in your skills, you can always use online tools, such as Write my essay, to have your articles checked over by a professional writer. Also, the important step of working on your content is checking it on plagiarism. It may harm your reputation through readers and search engines.
Edit & Perfect
When you write your article, the chances are you won’t get it right the first time, no matter how talented a writer you are. After you have written your content, take a break and move onto something else. You could even leave it until the next day before looking back over the assignment. You’ll instantly notice aspects of your article that you’ll want to change. It’s recommended that you repeat this process over the next couple of days to ensure that your article is perfect for your readers. Viral content doesn’t need to be created in the rush. This part of viral content creation is boring and time-consuming so alternatively, you can always have your work uploaded to an online proofreading and editing service, such as Grammarly of Paper Fellows, where a program or even a professional can edit your content to your exact requirements.
Optimising for Search Engines
SEO practices are the key to your success. There are over 200 guidelines set by search engines to ensure your content is indexed properly and will reach the top of the search engine results page. This will help users to find your content and will carry it to viral levels of success. There are several SEO techniques that are essential in your content. This includes added relevant keywords and adding professional references to other sources. For example, Amazon uses long-tail keywords and makes 57% of their sales.Generally, 60% of companies who create content using keywords tend to attract more potential visitors to their website. To create professionally formatted sources, you can use online tools such as Cite It In. Also, citing to resources will help to avoid plagiarism as well.
Never Risk It
If you haven’t had a lot of practice, or haven’t got the time to invest in creating viral content, you can always seek the help of a professional content writer. There are a wealth of online sites that can provide this service such as Big Assignments, an online community full of writers located around the world. Also, don’t forget to evoke readers’ emotions and send a positive message. According to NY Times, good news tends to go viral faster.
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