2015 has been a thrilling year for Search Engine Optimization. The year saw the much-awaited Mobilegeddon update, which penalized websites that ignored mobile compliance, followed by a new quality algorithm for content and a bunch …
Whether we accept it or not, mobile is indeed the future of everything. Your smartphone will quickly become the easiest portal into your digital self. If you are solving a digital maze, the solution indeed …
Before reading further let me tell you upfront, this is an article that that debunks common myths and misconceptions about Social Media Marketing.In my experience there are certain misconceptions pertaining to social media that, I …
The tiger is up and roaring, and so is online India! India is taking fast, steady strides towards transforming itself into a digital nation. With the government inclined to adapt digitization and technology in the …
Imagine this! You are analyzing your website’s traffic information, and come to know that your monthly traffic has increased by 30% compared to last month, with 35% of the total traffic coming through image searches. …
As the year comes to a close, I thought it’s a good idea to a round-up of the important tips and insights we have learned and noticed along the way. When it comes to Search …
Google has brought us a new search algorithm. This algorithm gives soul to the Google crawlers, and brings in the best search results; the ones we eagerly look for. The latest algorithm, ‘Hummingbird’ is rightly …
Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools to track your website visitors and effectiveness of your online marketing activities. Advance level WebMatrix along with Google Analytics can also help you to measure the …
I started working in the search marketing industry almost four years back, and in these years of being a Search Engine Optimization professional, I have made quite a few mistakes and learnt from them! In …
Working in the search marketing industry for the past three and a half years, I have realized the importance of Google Analytics (GA) and Google Webmaster Tool (GWT). Ignoring these two tools is one of …